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Our Process

So often, I receive calls or WhatsApp messages from people asking me to simply tell them what I charge for my services. (Most often they do not even introduce themselves.)

I always respond to these requests in the following way:

  • It is critical for me to understand each client’s needs, circumstances and expectations BEFORE I simply give a price/rate.

  • CARING WITH HEART is a professional and personalised caring service.

  • I am a Registered Nurse and we have a Practise Number

  • We are a small business that focuses on the client and the best possible care.

  • We are not obsessed with numbers; but we are obsessed with real care and service.

  • We pride ourselves as a CARING business. One that responds to each client in a respectful, knowledgeable and appropriate way.

  • Assessing each situation and client, based on their healthcare needs, mental, physical and emotional as well as affordability is non-negotiable.

  • In order to provide the most appropriate care and the best -fit for a carer, we need to understand the client first.

  • We recognise that, the service we provide is an extremely personal one; and the circumstances often very vulnerable and stressful.

  • Families often do not understand how the caring system or process works, so this is a good time to explain the options.

  • Often there are many questions, and so the interaction provides an opportunity to engage with the client and their family and answer their questions

  • There is often fear, apprehension and many clients have had a bad experience or heard horror stories about caring. This provides an opportunity to reassure clients about the quality of carer, oversight and the professional back-up provided

It is therefore CRITICAL to gain insight into each individual circumstance first, to do a telephonic or on-site assessment AND THEN only to quote for the service.

This guarantees more ease, satisfaction and the best possible care from CARING WITH HEART.


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